Welcome to Los Angeles Academy STEAM Magnet. This program is for students who have a passion for building, experimenting, creating, and designing! Students will participate in Project-Based Learning in their classes, have access to after school programs such as robotics, radio club, and field trips.
Les damos la bienvenida al programa magnet de STEAM en Los Angeles Academy! Este programa es para estudiantes que tienen una pasion para construir, experimentar, crear, y disenar! Los estudiantes de este programa participaran en aprendizaje basado en proyectos y tendran clubes despues de escuela de robots, radios, y viajes extra-curriculares.
Los Angeles Academy Middle School STEAM Magnet at Linked Learning
Apply now for all the unique programs and school options available to your child.
Solicite ahora todos los programas únicos y opciones escolares disponibles para su hijo.
To apply, visit
1. Create a parent account
2. Select Magnet Application
3. Complete the form
4. Submit
How to apply online for the Magnet Program: Please Click Here
Instrucciones para aplicar: Please Click Here
Magnet High Schools
Venice High School
Early College Academy |
Verdugo Hills High School
Hawkins High School |
University Pathways Medical Magnet Academy
Van Nuys High School
King Drew Magnet High School of Medicine and Science
Roosevelt Senior High School - Law & Public Service Magnet |
Hollywood Performing Arts Center High Magnet |
Hollywood New Media Academy
Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School
West Adams High School - Firefighter/EMS Magnet
West Adams High School - Police Academy Magnet
Crenshaw High School STEMM Magnet
Roybal Learning Center
James Monroe High School Magnet Programs
Academic Interventions
After-School Tutoring
Beyond The Bell
Saturday School
Summer Bridge Program
The 3D printer is printing out a student's project in class.